Thursday, March 31, 2016

What Does a Bully Look Like

I think in films and TV shows and perhaps even in the descriptions of books, bullies have always been portrayed as someone that is much taller than their victim, perhaps more heavier than he or she is, and always clenching their fist. I've seen that type of person before in my years of school and I feel like that's why sometimes people avoid these types during interactions.


I think that the movie Mean Girls broke that paradigm and that stereotype because it showed that not just boys could be as brutal as bullies and it also shows in my mind that damage doesn't have to occur with just a person's fists. It can be verbal abuse as well. There's an old adage that says "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." and I agree that that's the mentality that people need to focus on. While it's commonplace to always focus on that, I have found that sometimes words hurt a lot harder than any punches or slaps that can be accumulated.

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